TASER devices have long been at the forefront of non-lethal self-defense technology, offering a safer alternative to traditional firearms. Among their innovative products, the TASER X2 stands out for its dual-shot capability and reliability in critical situations. Complementing this device are various cartridges, each designed to suit specific needs and scenarios.

Understanding TASER X2 Cartridges

1. Yellow 15ft Model 22149

The 22149 cartridge is a standard option, delivering two probes that deploy upon firing the TASER X2. It offers versatility for personal defense and law enforcement, providing a reliable means to neutralize threats from a distance. With a range of up to 15 feet, it allows for effective engagement while maintaining a safe distance.

2. Black 25ft Model 22185

Designed for law enforcement professionals, the 22185 cartridge brings enhanced performance to the table. It provides a greater probe spread, increasing the chances of successful deployment in high-stress situations. This model is engineered to offer superior accuracy and effectiveness, catering specifically to the demands of tactical operations.

3. Blue 25ft Model 22157

Diverging from the conventional deployment cartridges, the 22157 stands as a unique non-conductive blue training cartridge. Its design deviates from delivering electric current and instead serves as a practice tool for users. This model allows individuals, especially law enforcement personnel, to simulate TASER deployment scenarios without the electrical charge. Its non-conductive nature ensures safety during training exercises while offering an authentic experience in handling the TASER X2 device. This blue cartridge is an indispensable component for honing skills and familiarizing oneself with TASER operations without the risk of electrical discharge.

4. Red Simulator Model 22155

In the realm of training and simulation, the 22155 stands out as a red simulator cartridge. Unlike live deployment cartridges, this model doesn’t discharge electric current. Instead, it serves as a visual aid during training exercises. The bright red color distinguishes it as a non-conductive simulator, allowing users to practice TASER X2 handling without any electrical discharge. This simulator cartridge is invaluable for training scenarios, offering a safe yet realistic experience for individuals to familiarize themselves with the device’s operation, especially in environments where practicing with live electrical charges isn’t feasible.

Trusted Source for TASER X2 Cartridges

For those seeking reliable access to TASER X2 devices and cartridges, Police and Tactical Supply stands as a reputable source. With a track record of providing law enforcement and civilians with top-tier self-defense equipment, they offer a comprehensive range of TASER products. Their commitment to quality and safety ensures that individuals can obtain genuine TASER devices and compatible cartridges with confidence.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Cartridge


The TASER X2 cartridges, including models 22149, 22185, 22157, and 22155, cater to diverse needs within the realms of personal safety and law enforcement. Each model is meticulously engineered to offer specific advantages, whether it’s extended range, increased accuracy, or serving as training tools. Understanding the nuances of these cartridges empowers users to make informed decisions based on their unique requirements.

When it comes to non-lethal self-defense technology, the TASER X2 and its array of cartridges stand as a testament to innovation and reliability, providing effective solutions for a safer world. And with Police and Tactical Supply, individuals and law enforcement agencies can access these vital tools with trust and confidence.